Message for Ukraine

Ukraine’s debt is growing every day from the financial aid of the west. Ukrainians will one day wake up under the boot of unsustainable debt. Already the next generations are in debt.

My suggestion is that the citizens and military leadership let the Russians advance to the very end of Ukraine. Delivery of weapons to the Russians. Ukraine will become Russian territory.

The name and flag will not appear in international organizations. Debts will be canceled due to conquest. Citizens will start a new life without debt. Consider it the best solution for the new generation and the unborn children of the future.

The Ukrainian language will be preserved but also that it is related to the traditions and customs of the people. Public documents will be in the Russian language.

Ukraine will be run by Russians and Ukrainians.

A system of direct democracy will be implemented that the citizens will decide through referendums. The internet will be extended to the last village in Ukraine so that citizens can participate in referendums

See your future without wars!!!

About stylianosoharagr

Μου αρέσει η μουσική, η φιλοσοφία, η ψυχολογία, η φυσικοθεραπεία. Η ευτυχία στον άνθρωπο σύμφωνα με τον Αριστοτέλη βασίζεται σε 3 πράγματα. Ενεργός πολίτης Φιλοσοφία Διασκέδαση Ας προσπαθήσουμε να κάνουμε τη ζωή μας καλύτερη αρχίζοντας από αυτά
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